Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Day 7

It's been a while since I've posted, don't worry I have an excuse. When I started this blog, I planned on posting a blog every day of my trip. Once I arrived at Glastonbury, I quickly realized that it would be next to impossible. Due to the fact that Glastonbury was located in the middle of the country and there was a medium sized city on site, the local cell towers were overwhelmed. When I did get on the internet, it was only for a few minutes at a time. By the end of Thursday, the battery in both my MiFi device and back-up battery device had died. Nevertheless, the festival was an amazing experience. The pure awesomeness of getting to see legends like Sinead O'Connor, Kenny Rogers and The Rolling Stones all in one area, all in three days was amazing.  Instead of any pictures today, I have decided to share a video. Here are some of my highlights from Glastonbury Festival:

I'll try and be back tomorrow with another update...

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